Sa Contonera Hotel offers you several services, some of which are found inside the hotel while  others are external  but always reserved and managed by our staff so that you can enjoy your holiday worry free.

Sa Contonera Hotel is ideal not just for leisure holidays but also for business travel and meetings. The elegant atmosphere of the reading lounge, with its comfortable sofas, is ideal for your professional meetings.


  • Wi-fi connection in all the areas of the hotel
  • Outdoor swimming pool with hydro massage
  • Solarium around the pool, with sun umbrellas and comfortable sun beds
  • Breakfast terrace in front of the pool
  • Rich sweet and/or savoury breakfast buffet
  • Indoor coffee bar open 24h
  • TV and reading lounge, with 40’’Tv, numerous newspapers and magazines
  • Private parking
  • Fax and photocopy service
  • 24h Reception
  • Multilingual staff (Italian, English, German, French)

Pets not admitted


Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour 360° pictures that will allow you to discover some of the corners of our hotel.


External services
  • Car and mountain bike hire
  • Transfer service to and from Sardinian ports and airports
  • Local taxi service
  • Excursions to the bays of Orosei Gulf
  • Rubber-dinghies rental



Special Offers


Discover all the special offers of Hotel Sa Contonera, designed especially for you, to make you spend a relaxing holiday.


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