
Tortolì received the blue flag for Orrì and Cea Beaches also in 2016.


Local tourist professionals are deeply satisfied for the confirmation, for the second consecutive year, of two Blue Flags: one for Beach of Orrì and the other for the Bay of Cea. The Blue Flags have been assigned by the Foundation for Environmental Education (Fee) to the best seaside resorts and tourist destinations and have been presented, in the presence of their Mayors, during the XXVIII award ceremon that was held at the Presidency of the Ministers Council in Rome.

This year's edition, awarded the beaches with excellent bathing waters, rusulting from the analysis of the last four years by Arpa. Tuesday afternoon as soon as it was known about the award yet again to the waters, the coastline and services of Tortolì,  Vincenzo Basciu, the Municipality Special Commissioner, declared “I wish to congratulate  the citizens of Tortolì, that have received the Blue Flag 2016 once again. Congratulations to all of those whom collaborate with great enthusiasm  maintaining the beaches  and service operations, thereby giving a strong signal in favor of the collective right and the environmental protection in order to allow everyone to reach this important goal. Congratulations to the tourism professionals for the great efforts they make: also thanks to them our small town is once again the proud holder of this award in 2016.”


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